PMOS characterization (PTM130)

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Characterization testbench schematic for a nominal PMOS transistor in the technology. This procedure is complementary to the NMOS characterization PTM 130 and follows in a similar fashion.

Schematic diagram[edit]

General transistor characterization testbench.

SPICE simulations[edit]

To characterize the PMOS transistor we'd like to perform three DC simulation sweeps, outlined in the next sections.

Note: as for the NMOS characterization, for the last two analyses note the dashed line indicates the point where Veff=0 (Vgs=Vth) and the transistor transitions from weak (sub-threshold) to moderate inversion operation.

DC analysis (sweep): Large signal parameters[edit]

Here we are plotting the normalized transistor large-signal I/V transfer curves.

Id vs Vds for different Vgs bias[edit]

We are sweeping Vds from 0 to 1.3V in 0.05 increments, and subsequently decreasing Vgs from -0.1 to -1.3 in -0.1 increments.

For the I/V characterization curves, a minimum transistor length of L=130nm was used together with a total width of 10um (Wf=1um, Nf=1, m=1).

The following are the simulated Vdsat values for each Vgs curve for reference:

Vgs: At Vgs: -0.1 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.0482195
Vgs: At Vgs: -0.2 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.0641427
Vgs: At Vgs: -0.3 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.110054
Vgs: At Vgs: -0.4 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.176295
Vgs: At Vgs: -0.5 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.245127
Vgs: At Vgs: -0.6 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.311269
Vgs: At Vgs: -0.7 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.374742
Vgs: At Vgs: -0.8 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.436258
Vgs: At Vgs: -0.9 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.496378
Vgs: At Vgs: -1.0 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.555485
Vgs: At Vgs: -1.1 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.613852
Vgs: At Vgs: -1.2 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.671675
Vgs: At Vgs: -1.3 V, Vdsat(@Vds=-Vdd): -0.729101

Id vs Vgs for different Vbs (back-gate) bias[edit]

At Vbs: 0 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.232326
At Vbs: 0.1 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.253784
At Vbs: 0.2 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.274114
At Vbs: 0.3 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.293468
At Vbs: 0.4 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.311969
At Vbs: 0.5 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.329714
At Vbs: 0.6 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.346783
At Vbs: 0.7 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.363245
At Vbs: 0.8 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.379156
At Vbs: 0.9 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.394564
At Vbs: 1.0 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.409512
At Vbs: 1.1 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.424034
At Vbs: 1.2 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.438164
At Vbs: 1.3 V, Vth(@Vgs=Vdd): -0.451929

DC analysis (sweep): Design parameters vs. Veff (for various Vbs)[edit]

Nominal design parameters are plotted below for the reference minimum-length transistor with various back-gate Vbs.

Most important are the design parameter plots for Vbs=0V (i.e. with no back-gate voltage): These plots are most useful for starting choosing a Veff bias point to start a design.

As before, in cases where the source is not at the same potential as the bulk, it is illustrative to see how design parameters change for the same applied Vgs i.e. due to the body effect.

DC analysis (sweep): Design parameters vs. Veff (for various lengths)[edit]

Design parameters are plotted below for a set of transistors with lengths spanning from 130nm to 3um (roughly following technology nodes progression) to help compare trade-offs in choosing device dimensions (width chosen as before).

